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Top mistakes you can make planning your wedding reception

Planning a wedding reception can be a daunting and stressful experience. From seating arrangements to choosing the perfect music, there are a lot of moving parts that need to come together to make your big day run smoothly. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the tasks you have on your plate and forget some important details — leading to costly mistakes that could disrupt the entire event. With that in mind, here are some of the biggest (and most common) mistakes people make when planning their wedding reception:

Not Budgeting Properly

One of the most common mistakes people make when planning their wedding reception is not budgeting properly. Many couples assume they’ll just “wing it” when it comes to the cost of their special day, only to find themselves overspending on items like decorations or food. To avoid footing an unexpected bill after your big day, create a detailed budget plan ahead of time and stick with it.

Underestimating How Much Time You Need

Another mistake many couples make is underestimating how much time they need for their reception activities. Everything from getting ready and taking photos before the ceremony, to dancing after dinner can take up more time than you might expect. Make sure you give yourself extra time throughout the night — especially if there are speeches or other surprises scheduled during the festivities!

Ignoring Your Venue's Rules

Special events venues often have specific rules and regulations surrounding weddings, such as noise restrictions after certain times or limits on maximum occupancy. Failing to check these guidelines ahead of time can result in fines or other unpleasant surprises on your special day — so be sure to read through your venue's rules before booking anything else!

Skimping On Music

Music is one area where many couples try to cut corners by hiring cheaper DJs who lack experience or may not bring quality sound equipment — which can lead to a less-than-stellar dance party and unhappy guests who don't know how to liven things up! Taking the time and money for professional DJ services will pay off in spades come party time; after all, this is one department where you definitely don't want any blips in quality or performance!

Leaving Out Comfort Items

Guests typically spend long periods at weddings waiting between different events; ceremonies last upward of an hour while receptions easily stretch into three or four hours depending on the number of attractions planned The best way to keep guests comfortable during this downtime is with chairs (with or without cushions) scattered around – but also consider offering footrests and pillows as well if space allows!

Not Letting People Know When And Where They Should Be

One final mistake many couples make is failing to clearly communicate start/stop times for various events as well as where each should take place; confusing schedules (or worse yet - no schedule at all!) will undoubtedly cause stress for both participants and guests alike! Try sending out emails beforehand detailing agendas for each part of your wedding so everyone knows what's coming next - and how much longer they'll have until its over!

It takes careful consideration, organization, and proper budgeting strategies for a successful wedding reception - but following these tips will help ensure you avoid common pitfalls along the way!

Good luck tying the knot amidst unforgettable memories made by friends & family alike!